Available since May 13, 2015  ·  Website: unknown
Cost: Free of charge
Legal notice: EN
Bus factor: unknown
Organization: Commercial person
Server / Data location: 🇦🇺
Professional hosting
No green hosting
Server software: Prosody 0.12.4


You can register on this provider via a web browser 
Register (EN)
You cannot reset your password
Messages are stored for an unlimited time

File Sharing (HTTP Upload)

Allows to share files up to 50 MB
Shared files are stored up to 50 MB
Shared files are stored for an unlimited time
Compatibility / Security
Compatibility 90
Security (C2S) unknown
Security (S2S) unknown
Email EN
Chat -
Group chat -

Provider Category


Categories explained
Why not category "A"
  • Registration via XMPP apps is not supported (at any time)
  • Shared files are not stored up to a size that is large enough
  • Compatibility is insufficient badge
Embed badge

 This provider offers a Provider File.

Latest change: Sep 14, 2024 · Something changed?

Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.